Thursday, April 30, 2009

Electronics Project - Ipod

Designed: Adobe Illustrator
Class: GCS 430 Technical Illustration
May 3, 2009

The focus on this project was to use concepts learned in Illustrator chapters. We've recently covered the Revolve & Rotate and well as Extrude and Bevel Tools. The task was to recreate two electronics and make them look three dimensional as well as realistic. I choose to use an Apple iPod Nano as well as an iPod Docking station.

I found difficulty mapping my image on the iPod screen, it would sometimes display upside-down, or mirrored. Also, creating the texture on the speakers of the docking station was also very challenging.

Below are samples of current iPod docking stations and Nano iPods in which I used to recreate my final image:

Monday, April 20, 2009

Poster Project

Designed: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator
Date: April 15, 2009
Class: GCS 430 Technical Illustrator

Lebron James's leadership ability is not a question. Despite being one of the youngest players in the NBA, he does and says the right thing, and shares credit and responsibility with his teammates. They know the big trophy is out of their reach without him, but more important, he knows he can’t win it all without his teammates.
The two images shown here are what I used to create the final product above. By way of Photoshop and Illustrator,
I have managed to capture the essence of this year's MVP among his surrounds of Cleveland Skyline and great jump shot. The combo definetly produced an award winning poster.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Illustrator Tutorials

A project was assigned in class to use the website Layers magazine [] and find three tutorials, commit them to memory and teach them to the class. Under this notion, the three I decided to choose were:
Creating Simple Silhouettes
3-D Graph Effects
Creating A Neon Glow

Each required different strategies and techniques in in which everyone should know in order to be successful in both Photoshop and Illustrator.




Elegant Bottle

Designed: Adobe Illustrator
Date: April 12, 2009
Class: GCS 430 Technical Illustration

The scenerio was to design a Non-Alcholic beverage for a graduate.

It must:
-Look Elegant
-Have several curves
-Have a bottle label
-Several Light sources

::My inspiration::

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

In Class - Exam 04.07.2009

Designed: Adobe Illustrator
Date: April 7, 2009
Class: GCS 430 Technical Illustration
By the way, I received an "A" on my exam